Monthly Archives: February 2019

  1. Posted In: Mattresses

    How To Care For Your Pillows

    You know that your mattress absorbs dust, bacteria and harmful microbes, but did you know the same happens with your pillow? Some people go straight to buying new pillows when theirs loses it's freshness but most pillows can be washed in a regular laundry cycle and dried to nearly “good as new.”  To keep the your pillow fresh and clean you should be washing your pillow weekly, just as you do your bed sheets. Remove the pillow case, you can wash the case along with your pillow, but you want to separate the two so they can get as clean as possible. Most synthetic, poly-filled pillows can be easily washed and dried. You might be surprised to know that you can even wash and dry some feather or d

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  2. Posted In: Mattresses

    The Benefits Of A Mattress Protector

    At Surplus Furniture & Mattress Warehouse we carry a variety of Health Protectors for your mattress and pillows. Find out how health protectors protect you, your mattress and your pillow. 1. Protect your Mattress and Your Health – Prevents your mattress of spills and exposure to dust mites, microbes and other potential allergens. 2. Keep Your Mattress Clean – Some stains on your mattress will void the warranty, purchasing a mattress protector will protect you from a denied warranty claim if something happens to your mattress. 3. Hygienic Sleep Environment – For those prone to allergies and eczema or asthma, mattress and pillow protectors are even more important. Studies have found that

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  3. Posted In: Design Tips and DIY , Living Room Furniture

    How To Make Your Upholstery Last Longer

    Furniture is the third largest purchase you will make, so we want you to enjoy your furniture for as long as possible. Here are some tips and tricks to keep your furniture lasting longer. Step 1. Cleaning Vacuuming your sofa weekly with an upholstery attachment will keep the sofa clean and dirt/debris free which can lead to damage. If something spills on your sofa read the manufacturer's label, this will tell you how to properly clean your sofa based on its material. Treat stains on leather furniture immediately. As soon as something spills, blot the spill with a soft cloth until the spill is soaked up. If you catch a spill quick enough, you can remove it before it leaves a mark on your sofa. Use a lint roller regularly. This is especially important if you have pets. Once a week, roll a lint roller over your sofa.

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