mattress warehouseWhen purchasing your mattress you need to ask yourself some very important and sometimes overlooked questions.
  • What is the warranty?
  • What does the warranty cover?
  • What can I do to protect myself and my health?
Each of the above questions are very important and you need to look at each one to make sure you are looking out for yourself and your money. You need to make sure you ask these questions: What is the warranty? It is always important to look at the warranty and ask what is the warranty on your mattress. You spend 8 hours a day on your mattress and it is one of the most heavily used items in your house. What does my warranty cover? You need to make sure that all aspects are covered; you don't want to not ask and use or do something that can void you warranty. Make sure you have the suggested frame, mattress protector and flip the mattress at all suggested times. What can I do to protect myself and my health? You sleep on you mattress for 8 hours a day and as you sleep dead hair and skin follicles seep into your mattress and can cause allergies. Also dust mites can make their way into your mattress and make it very harmful for you; 6 of them can fit on the end of a pen tip! You can protect yourself by getting a mattress cover. This is recommended since 1991 by the doctor’s and is FDA approved. It protects you from the allergies and dust mites and also protects your warranty. If you stain your mattress you can't bring it back for exchange, you need to get this protection. This is a vital product and you need to make sure you ask this question. Everything above that is mentioned is important and good steps to follow when thinking of purchasing a mattress. Hope you make the right move and ask the questions. Happy sleeping!